Our Story
Balanced Movement was born out of love for pain-free movement and calm, spacious environments to learn. Sadly, pain and struggle from grueling “workouts” are glorified in today’s society. You’ve heard some of those sayings: “no pain, no gain”, “sore today, strong tomorrow.” And most of the time, the goal is aesthetically motivated, whether it’s getting buff or slimming down; where your sense of self is reduced to how your abs, arms and ass look like. Furthermore, with the normalization of the “hustle” culture, most of us are chronically stressed and live in our heads, constantly thinking of all the things we have to do while mindlessly scrolling through social media as entertainment. And when we do move or “exercise”, it’s probably to beat of some pumping Spotify tune, while an overly peppy coach is screaming “you got this”! With so much stress and over-stimulation, do you think your body is actually really learning how to move well, or are you just probably flailing your limbs around just to get through the workout?
At Balanced Movement, we are here to make you feel GOOD in a calm, inclusive environment, no matter the stage or season your body is in. We invite all body sizes, age groups, movement abilities , and women as well as men into the warm and comforting embrace of our studio. Your daily lives are hard enough as it is. Why add another layer of unnecessary struggle and over-stimulation, why put yourself through punishing workouts with a stupid, crazy number of reps that surreptitiously prey on insecurities (remember those arms, abs and ass classes requiring you to pulse to no end?)
Don’t get us wrong. We are all for effort in improving how you move, but optimal, efficient effort. That is very different from the no pain, no gain approach. You see, movement that is optimal and efficient is pain free, effortless and graceful, yet powerful at the same time. Ever notice how high level movers, such as professional athletes, make it look easy? They are able to appear effortless in their sports because they are moving efficiently. Learning to organize and move your body efficiently and pain free takes focus, effort and skill, which is very different from enduring painful “workouts”, flailing your limbs around to some club music just for the sake of “exercising.”

Moving efficiently, with strength and grace, demands that YOU understand your body.
Our approach at Balanced Movement is to guide and educate as you discover and learn about your body. We strongly believe that you should understand your own body and how to move your body well. We believe in mindful movement, not just getting the proverbial “burn” or “sweat.” Moreover, we don’t want to be your crutch. We want to empower you with knowledge on how your body works. Your body is the only home you will ever truly have. You can’t “buy” a new one if it breaks down so it is in your interest to understand how to look after your body in the long run.
We want you to embody your body. It is hard to truly be in our body so that you can move well when you are mentally stressed from work and someone is screaming motivation mantras against a backdrop of club music [and possibly strobing lights]. At Balanced Movement, the studio has been curated to soothe your senses and calm your mind, helping you feel a sense of tranquility and spaciousness. Our choice of colors, lighting and ambiance have been curated with the intention of calming your overstimulated, stressed mind and nervous system.
We believe that a calm mind is a receptive mind. Only then can you truly learn. You cannot learn if you are stressed and over-stimulated. You can only embody your body and truly learn how to move well when you are calm.

Our mission
Our mission is to help you feel strong while moving pain-free through your daily lives, not just in the present, but well into your golden years. We are all for movement longevity, healthy sustainable movement that you can continue as you get older. While most of us may not be able to run a full marathon nor do aerial yoga acrobatics at 75 years old, we certainly still want to be able to enjoy long hikes, carry our own groceries and get up from the floor without assistance for as long as we can.
We are also big on pre-habilitation. We have all heard of rehabilitation from injury, which is what you do you to recover from an injury. Pre-habilitation is conditioning work to prevent you from getting injured. We focus on 3 key components in prehabilitation:
– Joint mobility: Joint mobility is a crucial foundation for sustainable strength. Strength training with limited joint mobility is a recipe for dysfunctional strength and movement , and ultimately , injury! You want to have access to all the various range of motions of your joints in order to move well in your golden years.
– Integrated strength training Our approach to integrated strength training uses various feedback instruments, namely cables, straps, springs and weights, coupled with the various movement modalities (Pilates, the GYROTONIC® Method, the GYROKINESIS® Method, functional movement training) to help you improve your functional movement. Why is integrated strength training important? Because it can help you climb up and go down stairs without busting your knees. It can also help you enjoy walks and runs without losing your balance or busting your back!
– Proprioception: Proprioception is your sense of where your body is in space. It is how your nervous system perceives and interacts with the environment. Good proprioception reduces the risk of injuries as your body knows how to organize itself in various positions and movements. This helps in avoiding sprains and falls, things you don’t want to happen to you when you are 75 years old!

Our Studio
Moving well changes lives. We believe that you can only learn how to move well in a calm, receptive state.
At Balanced Movement, we are sensitive to providing the best environment for you to learn how to move well and feel good. As such, the studio has been designed and curated to help you enter a calm, yet grounded parasympathetic state no matter how you may be feeling beforehand. We are your sigh of relief, your respite from the overstimulated external environment of traffic jams, caffeinated deadlines and unwavering onslaught of constant information from your job and social media.
Our choice of off-white, cream colors, sea green and soothing blue shades throughout the studio are aimed to calm and comfort your senses. Soft, warm lights have been strategically chosen and placed so that none are glaring directly into your eyes, yet illuminates the studio beautifully. Gentle whispers of peppermint and lavender essential oils gracefully dance through the studio, enveloping you in a loving embrace that nurtures a serene alertness. Adorned with exquisite crystals, our space gently guides you to a sense of grounded tranquility. Our studio is also blessed by a gentle wash of lovely natural light, generously bathing the space with its warmth each morning and sunset.
We have also been very mindful to ensure enough space between the various areas and equipment to create a sense of spaciousness and openness throughout the studio.

At Balanced Movement, the studio space has been curated with your nervous system in mind. The nervous system has two states: sympathetic & parasympathetic. Neither is good nor bad, both have their place in serving us.
The sympathetic nervous system helps us respond to danger and stress through fight, flight or freeze states. In extremely dangerous situations, the sympathetic nervous system is a life saver, literally. It is only meant to be activated for a very brief period during that period of acute danger or stress. Once the danger has passed, your sympathetic nervous system should switch off. Unfortunately, in today’s society of chronic stress, where the perceived or real danger is constant (think never-ending looming deadlines to chase, constantly answering messages & emails, the unrelenting pressure to be “productive” for the hustle…you get the idea!! ) , most of us are stuck in the sympathetic nervous system state. That is unhealthy and unsustainable.
The parasympathetic nervous system is synonymous with the rest and digest states. We can only meaningfully heal emotionally and physically , strengthen mind-body connections and learn how to move well in the parasympathetic state, a calm yet grounded state. Ideally, we want to be in the parasympathetic state as much as possible and only go into the sympathetic state only when it is necessary.

Our Equipment
At Balanced Movement, we believe in giving our clients only the very best movement experience. As such, we have chosen the Balanced Body brand for all our Pilates equipment. Balanced Body is the premier US-based Pilates equipment manufacturer and has been designing and building Pilates equipment for over 45 years. Their commitment to unparalleled craftsmanship, safety and quality is evident in all their Pilates equipment. We are proud to be associated with the Balanced Body brand.
Only the very best pilates equipment for our clients !
Balanced Movement will be bringing in the GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Combination Unit. This innovative, specialized equipment is designed to facilitate three-dimensional movements, resulting in the body moving as one harmonious system, through various seamless and fluid spinal motions.

At Balanced Movement, the studio space has been curated with your nervous system in mind. The nervous system has two states: sympathetic & parasympathetic. Neither is good nor bad, both have their place in serving us.
The sympathetic nervous system helps us respond to danger and stress through fight, flight or freeze states. In extremely dangerous situations, the sympathetic nervous system is a life saver, literally. It is only meant to be activated for a very brief period during that period of acute danger or stress. Once the danger has passed, your sympathetic nervous system should switch off. Unfortunately, in today’s society of chronic stress, where the perceived or real danger is constant (think never-ending looming deadlines to chase, constantly answering messages & emails, the unrelenting pressure to be “productive” for the hustle…you get the idea!! ) , most of us are stuck in the sympathetic nervous system state. That is unhealthy and unsustainable.
The parasympathetic nervous system is synonymous with the rest and digest states. We can only meaningfully heal emotionally and physically , strengthen mind-body connections and learn how to move well in the parasympathetic state, a calm yet grounded state. Ideally, we want to be in the parasympathetic state as much as possible and only go into the sympathetic state only when it is necessary.
- Chronic pain management / reduction / elimination: lower back, upper back, shoulders, neck, hips, knees, feet
- Pre-natal & Post-natal Pilates
- Diastisis recti recovery
- Scoliosis management
- Active ageing
- Post-surgery rehabilitation such as total hip replacement & total knee replacement surgery
- Neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s & stroke survivors
- Neurodivergent conditions such as autism & anxiety
- Conditioning for high level athletes such as dancers, golfers, tennis players